blog / Nuclear Abolition Don't hate the media, be the media nl The Presidential Elections and the Future of the Middle East (Video) Phyllis Bennis<br> pdxjustice Media Productions, 11 November 2008<br><br> While in other policy areas there are enormous differences between Obama and his Republican counterparts, on the issues of war and peace the difference is not nearly as big as his rhetoric would have us believe, argues Phyllis Bennis, what makes the need for an active anti-war movement ever more urgent.<br><p><a href="">meer lezen</a></p> Anti-war movement Arms Trade Development &amp; Security EU Militarism India-Pakistan Iran Crisis Israel / Palestine Lebanon war militarism Military Bases Nuclear Abolition vredesbeweging Fri, 14 Nov 2008 22:57:00 +0100 Jo 30447 at